Tuesday, January 8, 2013

TWD-Pizza with Onion Confit

I had such big plans for this post.  First I made this pizza with my mom, (we drove to Ohio for Christmas), so that made it a special post. And I got Photoshop for Christmas, so I had done some neato (but elementary) "photoshopping" of the pictures.  And then I was going to throw in a gratuitous snow picture because the day we made this at my mom's house in Ohio it snowed over 6 inches (which is a BIG deal when you live in Texas and your kids never get to see snow).  But alas my plans were dashed.  It seems Blogger is not working properly, so my pictures were taking forever to load and then the installation of Photoshop is making my dinasaur computer run slow, so this is it folks, one picture of the pizza with onion confit.  It was delicious and I would make it again.  For the kids we just did regular toppings, but the confit is a winner and makes for a nice change from the usual pizza toppings.  Plus my mom got a whole bag of onions for 49 cents, so you could go crazy making onion confit at that price.


Have Apron....Will Bake said...

How great that you got to make the pizza with your mom. I did see her post too.
Too bad about not being able to get your pictures up. I noticed I was having trouble loading pics as well. My husband suggested using a different browser (instead of internet explorer) when I opened my blog. So I used firefox to edit my blog post and it worked fine. He thinks there is an issue between google and microsoft. Give that a try and see if it helps.

loavesandstitches said...

Nice looking pizza! Sorry to hear about the tech woes. I am not at all tech savvy, but I, too use firefox and have not had any big issues, but I am also on wordpress.

Bev said...

Oh, wow, sometimes these darn computers give us fits! But your one pic is enough to see that your pizza looks scrumptious!

Baking is my Zen...sweet nibbles for the soul said...

Your pizza looks so plentiful and hearty...I stopped at your mom's blog post too...yum, yum all around. Your kids must have loved the snow!

Look forward to making it.

Margaret said...

Fun to read your Mom's post and then read yours. Pizza looks delicious.

Cher Rockwell said...

Fun that you were able to make the pizza together!

Blogger has been a bit of a pain. Hopefully, you will get to enjoy your photoshop soon.

Cathleen | My Culinary Mission said...

So frustrating when technology does not work the way it should. I too was having problems with blogger. I could not even choose pics to load. The window just went missing altogether. I received a mac for my bday and was able to do it from there using Safari browser. Though they seem to load into my blog out of order which drives me nuts and takes a lot of time to re-arrange them. Good Luck to you! Pizza looks fabulous!