Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TWD- Brioche Pockets

When my daughter tasted one of these pockets she said "this tastes like something Grandma would like."  And sure enough yesterday my mom had emailed me how she loved these.  My son gave me a "you've got to be kidding me" look.  He just couldn't get into bread stuffed with the rest of his meal.  I liked them, but wouldn't give them the high praise my mom did. I think it was a little too big for my liking.  I would have preferred this about half the size and perhaps with a sweet and savory filling.  But I did love working with the brioche dough.  It rolled out very easily and didn't have the shrinking problem I find with other doughs such as pizza dough.  I used half the dough for the pockets and made the bread on page 189.  I'm going to freeze it and pull it out Memorial Day weekend for french toast.


Have Apron....Will Bake said...

The dough was great to work with. It was my first time making brioche dough and I was very pleased.
Your pockets look great. I really liked the recipe.

Cathleen | My Culinary Mission said...

These sound delicious, but I have yet to get started. I'm sure the French toast will be fabulous made with the brioche.

Karen said...

The adults in this house and at work loved these but the kids had no interest. They will learn! =)

Teresa said...

Brioche French toast is the best! I'd make these smaller next time, too.