Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD - White Loaves

I am very excited about this Tuesdays with Dorie adventure. I am doing it with my mom (retirededitor.blogspot.com). We are already having great fun. So here I am with my two loaves of white bread. I used to have such a fear of yeast bread, but then came SAF instant yeast, and now I bake yeast breads with much more confidence. I found this bread really great and a little different than other yeast breads with the addition of butter at the end. I liked the nice tight crumb - makes it sturdier for sandwiches, etc. My kids loved it. I used it to make a sandwich for my son's lunch. He said lots of kids were asking "what's that?" He said "it's homemade bread; my mom made it." He said the kids then asked "you can make bread at home?" and wanted to try it. Now, how's that for a comment on life in America today?


Misty said...

I love that you and your mom are doing this together yet so far apart. I also live far from my mother but she would never do this challenge!

Emily Thome said...

What a great site - and fantastic that you can do this with your Mom. I love that your son's friends realized you can make bread at home!

Karen/Shortbread said...

Your blog is lovely, also, and so is your bread. It's amazing that kids don't even know what homemade bread looks like!

Cher Rockwell said...

How fun that you are doing this with your mom :-)
It's amazing the things that our kids are astonished by...

Christy said...

How fun to share this with your mom. It really is a pretty astonishing commentary on what kids are used to today, and a little sad. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

Teresa said...

That's great that you're doing this with your Mom. My mother is going to join in from time to time, as well as my nieces.

I love your story about your son's schoolmates' reaction to the bread!