Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TWD - Popovers (and the missing Galette)

I've always wanted to make popovers but thought you needed the popover pan to do so.  I don't need yet another pan to fall out of my cupboard when I open it, so I never bought a popover pan.  I was encouraged by this recipe that made it seem that a muffin tin would work just fine.  And it did.  The whole popover concept was neat and I thought they were fun to eat.  I do think my initial oven temp was too high, so if I were to make them again, I might do them at 400 for the first cycle.   I felt like mine were too brown.  My family was less than crazy about these.  My husband said "what's with the fake rolls?"  I think the airy center threw him.  So I'm glad I made them because I have always wanted to, but probably won't make them again since I would have to eat them alone.

On a separate note, I got thrown off by the schedule and missed the week of the galette.  I was going to skip it, but my mom made it and encouraged me to try the tomato and cheese galette.  Boy am I glad I did.  I loved it.  Loved the crust, loved the filling, loved it with a glass of wine.  Loved it. End of story.


Paula @ Vintage Kitchen Notes said...

The hollow center is unexpected if you´ve never had popovers before! Nice galette, I want to try the tomato cheese version soon!

Sweet and That's it said...

Your galette looks delicious. I only made two sweet version but would love to try a savory one, soon.

Popover: what a pity your family didn't like them. If you fancy trying again and you love cheese, I'd recommend the cheesy version of the popovers.

Cindy said...

Your right the galette was to die for. I need to make a savory one while we have garden fresh tomatoes.
Sorry hubby was unimpressed with the popovers, we quite enjoyed them.
Have a great day.

smarkies said...

Pity that the family did not like the popovers as they are something simple to make.
Your galette looks lovely. I have not made that either - should give it a go.

Beth said...

Beautiful popovers AND galette!

Cathleen | My Culinary Mission said...

Nice job on both! We loved these.

Cher Rockwell said...

They both look good. The galette was a nice use for summer tomatoes!